понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

ЕТС 2013 ростеры с участием Имперской Гвардии

 Yaroslav "Jarek" Dmitriev
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Dark Angels+Imperial Guard
HQ1: Azrael (Warlord) [215 pts]
HQ2: Ezekiel [145 pts]
Troop 1: Ravenwing Attack Squadron, 4 bikes (107), combi-melta (10), meltagun x2 (20) [137
Troop 2: Ravenwing Attack Squadron, 4 bikes (107), combi-melta (10), meltagun x2 (20) [137
Troop 3: Ravenwing Attack Squadron, 4 bikes (107), combi-plasma (10), plasmagun x2 (30)
[147 pts]
HS1: Whirlwind [65 pts]
Allied HQ1 : Company Command Squad (50), Commander with bolter (2) [52 pts]
Allied Troops1 : Infantry Platoon [422 pts] :
- Platoon Command Squad (30), Flamers x4 (20), Platoon commander with bolter (2) [52 pts]
-Infantry Squad x5 (250), Power Axe x5 (50), Autocannons x5 (50), Melta Bomb x4 (20) [370
Allied Fast Attack1 : Vendetta Gunship [130 pts]
Allied Heavy Support 1 : Leman Russ Squadron, Punisher x2 (360) , Sponson Heavy Bolters x2
(40) [400 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

Sergey "Aeris" Lebedev
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Imperial Guard + Grey Knights
HQ1 : Company Command Squad (50), Warlord, 3 Meltagun (30) [80 pts] in Transport1
Troops1 : Veteran Squad (70), 3 Meltagun (30), [100 pts] in Transport2
Troops2 : Infantry Platoon, Platoon Command Squad (30), 3 Flamer (15), 2 Infantry Squads
(100) [145 pts]
Fast1 : Vendetta Squadron, 1 Vendetta [130 pts]
Fast2 : Vendetta Squadron, 1 Vendetta [130 pts]
Fast3 : Vendetta Squadron, 1 Vendetta [130 pts]
Heavy1 : Leman Russ Squadron, 1 Punisher (180), Sponson Heavy Bolters (20) [200 pts]
Heavy2 : Leman Russ Squadron, 1 Punisher (180), Sponson Heavy Bolters (20) [200 pts]
Heavy3 : Manticore [160 pts]
Transport1 : Chimera (55), Heavy Flamer (0) [55 pts]
Transport2 : Chimera (55), Heavy Flamer (0) [55 pts]
Fortification : Aegis Defence Lines (50), Comms relay (20) [70 pts]
AliedHQ1 : Inquisitor Coteaz [100 pts]
AliedTroops1 : Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 3 Warrior Acolytes (12), 3 Plasmsgun (30) [42
pts] in AliedTransport1
AliedTroops2 : Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 3 Warrior Acolytes (12) [12 pts] in
AliedHeavy1 : Dreadnought (115), 2 Twin Autocannon (15), Psybolt Ammunition (5) [135 pts]
AliedTransport1 : Inquisitorial Chimera (55), Heavy Flamer (0), Searchlight (1) [56 pts]

AlienTransport2 : Razorback (45), Psybolt Ammunition (5) [50 pts]